Wednesday, December 7, 2011

what a day

i'm happy, i'm tired. but my happiness top it all! went to curve and spend time with all my friends, rasa macam dah habis spm. haha just one more day. hang out with you, it's been awhile i guess. and i'm so loving it! there is just too many stories to share with you. thank you for spending your precious time with me. so, i can't wait to finish my damn last paper you all. and after that it's what we call freedom. like real freedom. just like when malaysia got it's merdeka. that's how you gonna feel. you have grown and finish high school and what left for you is college and work life. i know it's gonna be hard. but hey, you just done with half chapter of your life. there is more upcoming in the future. and alhamdulillah i'm still breathing to finish my high school moment.

as a reminder to everyone. just say alhamdulillah as an appreciation for everything that we have. sometimes, as a human being. we tend to forget our creator. therefore we just have to take few moments and just remind us back where we came from
and how we were created. thankyou.

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